Doctor Who-podden

Doctor Who-podden

DoctorWho Podden

I Doctor Who-podden går vi igenom Doctor Who, avsnitt för avsnitt från rebooten 2005. Vi som pratar heter Elin och Malin och vi försöker hålla podden någorlunda spoilerfri. Se gärna avsnittet vi ska prata om innan du lyssnar. Vi släpper avsnitt varannan fredag.

Du kan höra av dig till oss på [email protected].

Where can you listen?

Apple Podcasts Logo Spotify Logo Podtail Logo Google Podcasts Logo RSS


Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of Doctor Who-podden?

There are 73 episodes avaiable of Doctor Who-podden.

What is Doctor Who-podden about?

We have categorized Doctor Who-podden as:

  • TV & Film
  • After Shows

Where can you listen to Doctor Who-podden?

Doctor Who-podden is available, among others places, on:

  • Spotify
  • Apple Podcasts
  • Podtail
  • Google Podcasts

When did Doctor Who-podden start?

The first episode of Doctor Who-podden that we have available was released 16 April 2021.

Who creates the podcast Doctor Who-podden?

Doctor Who-podden is produced and created by DoctorWho Podden.