Fiction Beast Podcast

Fiction Beast Podcast

Fiction Beast

What makes us human? We tell stories, so great works of literature tell the emotional tale of human existence as we try to make sense of our existence and the world we live in. I consider fiction a distilled form of truth, coming from the depth of our subconscious mind.

So this podcast looks at great novels from a philosophical or psycholgoical perspective, and is dedicated to bringing you the best of literature from around the world for you to enjoy. Each week, I will pick a great novel and discuss it in great details. I provide indepth summary and analaysis.

Where can you listen?

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of Fiction Beast Podcast?

There are 65 episodes avaiable of Fiction Beast Podcast.

What is Fiction Beast Podcast about?

We have categorized Fiction Beast Podcast as:

  • Education
  • Society & Culture
  • Philosophy

Where can you listen to Fiction Beast Podcast?

Fiction Beast Podcast is available, among others places, on:

  • Spotify
  • Apple Podcasts
  • Podtail
  • Google Podcasts

When did Fiction Beast Podcast start?

The first episode of Fiction Beast Podcast that we have available was released 5 January 2022.

Who creates the podcast Fiction Beast Podcast?

Fiction Beast Podcast is produced and created by Fiction Beast.