PANCE Audio Pro
PANCE Audio ProPANCE Audio Pro is a recorded list of over 1400 high-yield questions designed to help you study for the PANCE and PANRE. This material might also be helpful to physician assistant students preparing for didactic year exams or end of rotation exams.
The trial podcast you are listening to offers, at no cost, less than 20% of the total questions in the complete podcast. You can visit panceaudiopro.com to unlock the complete podcast episodes for one low price.
This auditory exercise works best if you pause the audio between questions, allowing yourself time to recall the answers.
Please contact us on the website if you have any feedback for edits we should make to our questions, at:
Thank you for listening to PANCE Audio Pro, and please leave a review if this learning tool has been useful to you
Safety Disclaimer: Don’t listen to headphones or operate your phone or audio device while driving or operating machinery. Be aware of your surroundings, especially while wearing headphones.
Music: Autumn 2011 by Loxbeats: https://spoti.fi/34tPBBO. Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0. Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/autumn-2011. Music promoted by Audio Library: https://youtu.be/r4twe3BxxX8
- No. of episodes: 13
- Latest episode: 2021-03-30
- Education Science Courses Life Sciences