Temna stran Lune

Temna stran Lune

Dunja Fabjan

Podkast o zanimivostih vesolja in astronomije. Z vami sva enkrat na mesec Maruša Žerjal in Dunja Fabjan.

Podkast lahko podprete na https://ko-fi.com/temnastranlune!
Pridružite se nama na Telegramu: https://t.me/temnastranlune

Vaša vprašanja, pripombe in ocene zbirava v spletnem obrazcu na https://tinyurl.com/y386778y

Where can you listen?

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of Temna stran Lune?

There are 48 episodes avaiable of Temna stran Lune.

What is Temna stran Lune about?

We have categorized Temna stran Lune as:

  • Science
  • Astronomy

Where can you listen to Temna stran Lune?

Temna stran Lune is available, among others places, on:

  • Spotify
  • Apple Podcasts
  • Podtail
  • Google Podcasts

When did Temna stran Lune start?

The first episode of Temna stran Lune that we have available was released 2 September 2020.

Who creates the podcast Temna stran Lune?

Temna stran Lune is produced and created by Dunja Fabjan.